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Moisés Bertoni
Swiss botanist who migrated to Paraguay in 1887 with remarkable work in biology, meteorology and anthropology. Discoverer of Stevia rebaudiana, a non-caloric sweetener.
The boat - The tour begins on board of Kattamaram, a modern boat with capacity for 250 pax, sailing down the Paraná River.
The Paraná river - The journey to the museum is a tour own it's on, Iguassu and Paraná rivers right at the confluence.
The Deck - From Kattamaram's deck the view is panoramic and very pleasent, We board near by the triple border area.
Indoors or Outdoors - Once we are on board of Kattamaram, We are able to choose between indoors or outdoors ambients.
The go on this tour is to visit the Moisés Bertoni's Museum but the way down on the Paraná river to Paraguay is amazing. Starting in Brazil, going through the Triple Border where Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay meet. Besides the tour starts at 07:30a.m. giving an outstanding sunrise landscape.

The Museum
Bertoni studied, discovered and classified many plants and insects. But also his work is recogonized for the anthropology of the Guaraní ingigenous people.
Home - The museum was the house he lived in Paraguay, today turned into a museum for the preservation of his work.
Bibliography - Papers and books about agriculture, meteorology, botanic, anthropology covering around 350 publications.
Wisdom - Bertoni's work covered many different science areas and his studies on the Guarany civilization is remarkable.
Bertoni Swiss Foundation - Today the museum is funded partially by a institution in Switzerland and partially by the visitors.
Bertoni did not got world wide famous because he had no support at all. Almost on his own and isolated from civilization in the middle of a lush sub-tropical rainforest. Many of his books are still been rediscovered, a lot of his botanical studies are been learned today at the 21th century in many universities around the World.

Moises Bertoni Museum
Tuesday to sunday
07:30a.m - breakfast included
Moisés Bertoni - history - Paraguay - museum - Kattamaram Boat - triple border - Stevia sweetener
You do not need to have VISA for this tour, regardless it goes to Paraguay.
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