The Argentine Experience is not a touristy trap, on the contrary it is an absolutely fantastic way of pleasing the palate and as a plus to increase your knowledge about what You think You know about Argentina!
The Experience: The most secret ways and ingredients in order to deliver an outstanding and genuine argentine Experience.
Learning: Have You ever tried to explain how to order meat accordantly to your own preferences in foreign countries?
Do it yourself: Exclusive tips and unclosing gramma's cooking books to teach You to do your own Empanadas.
Wines: Yeap and as a plus, the whole Argentine Experience could not miss the famous wines produced in Argentina!
It is not so easy to define The Argentine Experience hence it is not a mere cooking class or a show-off about the best the country can do. This is without doubt an immersive new method of teaching foreigners what is to be - on a daily basis - an Argentinian person!

This would not be a full Argentine Experience without Mate and the super-sweet Alfajores.
Mate: It was originally consumed by the Guaraní indigenous people - Pre-Colombian cultures - and it was adapted, once learned all it's benefits - to the early mix of southern Latin people and early Gauchos.
Alfajores: Definitely one of the most traditional desserts in all over the country of Argentina, from north to south. Alfajores are mixed with sweet-milk and You get to learn how to do the whole process and then eat it.
Steeping dried leaves of Yerba Mate in hot water and a metal straw in order to suck the mate up. The straw is usually made of silver. Just remembering that the whole Gaucho Culture is not exclusive of Argentina, other countries Uruguay, Paraguay, souther Chile and southern Brazil, also have Gaucho Culture.
the argentine experience privately organized
We can organized this venue privately, so the whole infrastructure of the Argentine Experience is customized just for your clients. The capacity of this experience is up to 40 pax, so If You have a lower demand - like 20 guests - of Incentive Groups or an International Meeting of a Corporation, this is the right fit for your enclosing Event.
Dinner only - Monday to Saturday
08:00P.M - 11:30P.M.
Unique dining experience - Argentine Beef - Top sirloin - Empanadas - Wines - Desserts - Not touristy.
What’s included:
Full course menu: Entries, top quality Argentine Steaks and desserts.
Drinks: Mate, water, soft drinks and wine.
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