A monument to nature build with timber from deforestation.
Animal trap: But not a real one, the idea was born from the need of shocking people and making them aware of preservation and conservation of nature.
Just timber from deforestation: None of these big timber were originally cut instead just picked in deforestation sites, these were the ones with no “commercial” ends.
Life time work: Big timber from deforestation have been collected for more than thirty years in order to show us the once gigantic trees there used to be.
Rare species: There was some rare situations of some endangered species in-which were bought before being turned into tables or furniture.
The numbers really impress: 17 meters high and half tonelate of woods covering more than 30 native species, some older than one hundred years.

Aripuca’s facilites
It works perfectally as a wonderfull venue for enclosing events of Incentive Groups, the infrastructure includes local souveniers and a restaurant.
Local culture: Aripuca focus on local culture besides the nature of Iguassu. A very interested spectrum of indigenous and gaucho cultures all together.
Las Termitas Restaurant: Capacity up to two hundred guests, it is big enough for enclosing events of big incentive groups. We have organized very successful events here.
Erva Mate: Everybody wonders on watching Argentinean drinking mate for the first time. A sort of green tea from a tree called Erva Mate.
Choir of indigenous Children: Aripuca co-works and helps a local tribe of Guaraní Indians, inviting a choir of children to perform a singing during private events.
The Las Termitas restaurant is only opended for Private Dinners as well as the choir of Guaraní’s Children.
Dinner at Aripuca
What’s included:
Full course menu which can be prearranged: Entries, main courses and desserts.
Drinks, water, soft drinks and wine.
Open daily for normal visitation but Private Dinners only via reservation
09:00a.m. to 06:00p.m.
Timber - big trees - woods - forest - incentive groups - dinner show - choir of indian children
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