Sunset at THE Kattamaram BOAT
One of the most beautiful sunset tours in Iguassu!
The boat - The boat is called Kattamaram because of its design which is a sailing boat with two parallel hulls that are held in place by a single deck.
Inside Kattamaram - The tour can be arranged with a dinner, and We can have tables privately organized for Incentive Groups.
Capacity - The capacity of the Kattamaram is up to 250 pax comfortably, indoors enviroments and deck. At the beginning welcome drinks.
Facilities - Bar, toilets, buffet, english-speaking guide who makes all the explanations about what we see during the tour.
The tour takes around 2 hours and a half exploring the Iguassu river and the Paraná River. The highlights are the sunset along the way and the two International brides connecting Brazil to Argentina - Tancredo Neves bridge - and Brazil to Paraguay - Friendship bridge.

The attractions
Iguassu impresses with all it's nature, rivers and colors. The Kattamaram shows the other natural and man-made attractions of Iguassu in a very relaxing and enjoyable activity. The tour starts off around 05:30p.m, during day light saving the departure changes for 06:30p.m.
Tancredo Neves bridge - The tour starts off around sunset and the first attraction is the Tancredo Neves bridge, build in 1985 connecting Brazil to Argentina.
Paraná river sunset - The sunset in Iguassu is not for just half hour, it takes a bit longer sometimes a whole hour depending on climate conditions.
The triple border - It's the confluence of rivers, the area where the three countries meet - Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay - with a plus: a beautiful sunset.
Friendship bridge at the sunset - Also known at the "old lady" as We locals called it, the Friendship bridge was build in 1965 connecting Brazil to Paraguay.
The triple border is right at the confluence of the two most important rivers in Iguassu: The Iguassu and the Paraná rivers, this last one is the river of the Itaipu Powerplant, that is the river of Iguassu Falls.

Kattamaram privately organized
We can organized this venue privately, so the whole infrastructure of this experience is customized just for your clients.Water, soft drinks, meals and live music can be arranged in all inclusive. No waiting, no lines and the whole boat privately for your guests.
Optional dinner:
Full course menu which can be pre-ordered in buffet or a la carte style: Entries, main courses and desserts.
Drinks, water, soft drinks and wine.
Daily open
05:00P.M - 07:30P.M.
Sunset boat tour - Iguassu & Paraná rivers - Boat tour - Triple border - Tancredo Neves bridge - Friendship bridge - 250 pax.
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