Itaipu Dam
The biggest electricity producer in the Planet!
Visitors Center - At Itaipu dam, The tour starts with a short documentary about the historical background of the Itaipu dam.
Double-deck bus - After the documentary a panoramic ride in a double-deck bus throughout the entire plant, except inside.
Miniatures - The turbines are the heart of a power plant, at the visitors center many miniatures about Itaipu's infrastructure.
The Spillway - It has as a main function to discharge the water which does not go through the turbines.
All this information about Itaipu Dam is given during the Panoramic Bus ride, in case of doubts the staff of Itaipu is always available for further explanations. When there is enough water the spillway is open which is really impressive but this is weather related so sometimes We are not so lucky.
The main deck - Definitely the best view to Itaipu it is from the main observation deck which is usually the second stop of the panoramic bus.
Poty Lazzarotto masterpiece - Poty Lazzarotto was a Paranaense artist famous for his paintings in murals, this was one of his last work.
Itaipu is a binational enterprise, Brazil and Paraguay signed a treated in which both agreed to share the costs and benefits of the construction and generation of electricity. So 50% of Itaipu's electricity goes to Brazil and the other 50% to Paraguay.
The panoramic bus drives right on top of the main concrete dam, allowing us to see on the left Brazil, on the right Paraguay and the river below is the Paraná River. Much to learn on this tour about local history, geography and economy of Brazil and Paraguay.
Daily open - Departures every 20 minutes
08:30A.M - 04:45P.M
The whole tour takes around one hour and a half - Itaipu dam - Panoramic tour - Brazil/Paraguay - Paraná river - Clean energy - Doble deck bus
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