Aguaray Eco Sports
Tracks and immersive river experience on Stand Up boards or kayaks, relaxation, fun and closer contact with nature.
Briefing - The tour starts with a full briefing about all the activities, safety proceedure, gear and coaching on paddling.
Safety first - The company works accordingly international safety procedures all trained staff and safe gear.
Track difficulty easy: English-speaking guides throughout the entire experience, giving insights about Iguassu's nature.
Enjoy nature - One of the vantages of aguaray experience is the fact that there is absolutely no hurry, you can take your time.
The tour happens at the Iguassu River, downstream from the Falls. Most of the nature-related tours have maximum timing to end and sometimes when We are starting to enjoy them, someone asks us to hurry. Well in Aguaray the experience is immersive, all the staff super friendly, calm and costumer focused. This is definitely a tour to enjoy Nature as much as You can.

Iguassu River
All the instructors of Aguaray are highly trained professionals who are monthly prepared for safety rescue and Stand Up/Kayak paddling techniques.
Iguassu River - The iguassu river is quite easy for stand up paddle or kayaks, very smooth.
For everyone - Stand up paddle is literally for everyone, you do not need previous practice to do it. same goes for kayaking.
Argentine shore - Eventually They can make a quick stop there but, just do not tell anybody ok?
Take your time - This is not those type of experiences where you need a lot of time to learn, once you got it, just take your time.
This is a activity that combines recreation, sports and nature which connects us to a greater sense of being part of this wonderful planet We all live in!
09:00A.M - 10:00A.M - 14:00P.M - 15:00P.M
Age restriction children under 10 years old - Stand up paddle - Kayak - Trail - Hiking - Lower Iguassu River - Nature - Brazil - Argentina - Immersive experience
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